We Are


About UsOur Services



PAZDATA focuses on planted seeds that support businesses with the intentions to add value to the community. We apply mindful techniques to our marketing endeavors to ensure that the connections between prospects and businesses are honorable, considerate and in alignment.

We Connect

The first goal towards conversions is to create sincere connections. We use human-like connections using the powerful tools of digital marketing. We want the contact rate of your leads to tell a credible story.

We Invite

We bring unity back to the digital world. We use technology that allows us to make thoughtful invitations versus forcing prospects to make impulsive purchases.

We Nurture

Prospects want to make sure they are making the right decision. We warm up your leads with the intent to make prosperous

We Are





How We Work

PAZ DATA focuses on planted seeds that support businesses with the intentions to add value to the community. We apply mindful techniques to our marketing endeavors to ensure that the connections between prospects and businesses are honorable, considerate and in alignment.


We Are Here For You

Marketing Consulting

We help you identify the problem areas in your online business with our thorough audit approach which not only reveal you weak areas but strengthen and implement systems that will automate your business which includes lead generation content designs and API integration support.

Appointment Setting & Inbound Marketing

Use our call center services to access your leads. Send us a list of leads to call and connect to your value. We can set up appointments and communicate to hit leads with a healthy blend of live agents and mindful AI texting systems.

Content Design & Publishing Services

We can help you publish and design content for your marketing initiatives. Provide the content and instructions for your book, ebook, webinar presentation or other digital product design.

Website & App Solutions

Website and App solutions for educational institutes, online course creators and non-profit organizations.

Search Engine Optimization

We optimize your Website in order to get traffic from organic search results. We also provide SEM services.

Ad Management Services

We create and setup digital ad campaigns. We provide you a central place to monetize all of your inventory types.

Awareness campaigns

We follow-up and connect with prospects by bringing awareness. We will setup your email, text and call campaigns.

Lead Nurturing Services

We organize marketing campaigns in the form of email, text and call. We organize a planned targeted outreach or advertizing efforts.

Contact Us

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    Our Partners

    Lets Talk

    TEL: +1 (833) 758-0477
